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Latest Event: 2014 Summernats 27 HorsePower Heroes - 05-01-2014

Massive weekend at the 2014 Summernats 27 with heap of cars running on the dyno over the weekend. Thanks to Mainline for supplying and running the dyno, for the HorsePower Heroes Summernats Dyno Competition.
All cars were ran on a Mainline Dyno, a brand we recommend. Mainline Automotive Equipment Homepage

Cars at the event
Name Car Name Model Class NOS Boost Power
1. Michael Daniel's YIA1OWMichael DanielYIA1OWFalcon BA XR6 Straight 6NoTurbo843.8 kW
1131.6 HP
2. Jake Edwards's JE308Jake EdwardsJE308LH Torana V8 Big BlockNoTurbo839.5 kW
1125.8 HP
3. Jason B's VTUFFFJason BVTUFFFVY Maloo V8 Small BlockNoTurbo816.1 kW
1094.4 HP
4. Lincoln Miller's LM1509Lincoln MillerLM1509Holden VU V8 Small BlockNoTurbo773.9 kW
1037.8 HP
5. Scott Munday's TUFXR6Scott MundayTUFXR6Ford XR6 Straight 6NoTurbo619.2 kW
830.4 HP
6. Rob Hromek's NUF SAIDRob HromekNUF SAIDHQ Holden UTE V8 Big BlockNoCharged529.4 kW
710 HP
7. Leigh Woodward's BADTAXILeigh WoodwardBADTAXIFord Falcon ED Straight 6NoTurbo523.9 kW
702.5 HP
8. Nathan P's BLOTHSNathan PBLOTHSVE Holden Clubsport V8 Small BlockNoCharged500.6 kW
671.3 HP
9. Milan Karajcic's BX33PFMilan KarajcicBX33PFFord Falcon Xf Straight 6NoTurbo489.3 kW
656.1 HP
10. Team Army's PROJECT DIGGERTeam ArmyPROJECT DIGGER78 Ford LTD V8 Big BlockNoN/A461.1 kW
618.3 HP
11. Sheree Bulmer's FDJ33TSheree BulmerFDJ33TMazda Rx7 RotaryNoTurbo451.4 kW
605.3 HP
12. Daniel Blok's BLOKYDaniel BlokBLOKYChrysler Valiant VG V8 Small BlockNoN/A445.9 kW
597.9 HP
13. Neil Greaney's 351-69Neil Greaney351-6969 Mustang Mach 1 V8 Small BlockNoN/A431.8 kW
579.1 HP
14. Graeme Finlayson's 67676Graeme Finlayson67676Mustang GT500 V8 Small BlockNoCharged418.5 kW
561.2 HP
15. Brett Armstrong's (Hidden)Brett Armstrong(Hidden)VX Holden Commodore V8 Small BlockYesN/A418.3 kW
561 HP
16. Adam Lubinski's CamiraAdam LubinskiCamiraHolden Camira 4NoTurbo416.8 kW
559 HP
17. Andrew Tutt's YGL77UAndrew TuttYGL77UHolden VX Commodore V8 Small BlockNoCharged408 kW
547.1 HP
18. Glenn Phegan's BAD076Glenn PheganBAD076Holden HJ Premier V8 Big BlockNoN/A404.3 kW
542.2 HP
19. Nigel Hardy's Sol068Nigel HardySol06868 Pontiac Firebird V8 Big BlockNoN/A398.7 kW
534.7 HP
20. Chris Rourke's YCE162Chris RourkeYCE162chrysler sigma G3 4NoTurbo382.8 kW
513.4 HP
21. Mick Taylor's HOOTINMick TaylorHOOTINFord BA XR8 V8 Small BlockNoN/A373.6 kW
501 HP
22. Bob Silec's MY067Bob SilecMY06767 Mustang Fastback V8 Small BlockNoN/A357.3 kW
479.2 HP
23. Adam Connell's FRYZMAdam ConnellFRYZMVE Holden Commodore V8 Small BlockNoN/A341.2 kW
457.6 HP
24. Brett Armstrong's (Hidden)Brett Armstrong(Hidden)VX Holden Commodore V8 Small BlockNoN/A338.3 kW
453.7 HP
25. Carolyn Tzortzas's MYT427Carolyn TzortzasMYT427Holden Torana SS V8 Small BlockNoN/A337.9 kW
453.1 HP
26. Kristoffer Sheather's YJN72JKristoffer SheatherYJN72JHSV GTS Gen f V8 Small BlockNoN/A325.9 kW
437 HP
27. Janko's YHM68NJankoYHM68NFord Falcon XT V8 Small BlockNoN/A317.5 kW
425.8 HP
28. Chris Vidler's YER23DChris VidlerYER23DFord GTP V8 Small BlockNoN/A317 kW
425.1 HP
29. Wassim Sabbagh's KIL20BWassim SabbaghKIL20BHolden VL Straight 6NoTurbo312.8 kW
419.5 HP
30. Kris Griffiths's 913LJGKris Griffiths913LJGHSV Clubsport V8 Big BlockNoN/A308 kW
413 HP
31. Brendan Caunt's DAD454Brendan CauntDAD454Holden Hz Premier V8 Big BlockNoN/A306.3 kW
410.8 HP
32. Travis Gentle's l2SSZTravis Gentlel2SSZHolden Commodore SS V8 Small BlockNoN/A305 kW
409 HP
33. Karly Van's KO01UTKarly VanKO01UTHolden HQ V8 Big BlockNoN/A292.2 kW
391.8 HP
34. Justin Robinson's 28910HJustin Robinson28910HHolden Torana V8 Small BlockNoN/A289 kW
387.5 HP
35. Gina Harrison's ZREAPRGina HarrisonZREAPRFord XR6 Straight 6NoTurbo287 kW
384.9 HP
36. Allan Humphreys's SV297Allan HumphreysSV297HSV GTS VT2 V8 Small BlockNoN/A283.5 kW
380.2 HP
37. Michael Lintott's BU99ZUMichael LintottBU99ZUHolden Commodore VU V8 Small BlockNoN/A273.7 kW
367.1 HP
38. Shaun Smith's YDW81XShaun SmithYDW81XHolden Berlina V8 Small BlockNoN/A269.3 kW
361.2 HP
39. Ross Johnson's 68RIDERoss Johnson68RIDE1968 Chev Caprice V8 Big BlockNoN/A267 kW
358.1 HP
40. Linton Mcrae's BAD225Linton McraeBAD225Holden VX Commodore V8 Small BlockNoN/A265.1 kW
355.5 HP
41. Anthony Whittington's HENRYAnthony WhittingtonHENRYFord Falcon XD V8 Small BlockNoN/A263.2 kW
353 HP
42. Brad Irby's YLB015Brad IrbyYLB015Holden VL Commodore Straight 6NoTurbo258.5 kW
346.7 HP
43. Michael Ward's 29511HMichael Ward29511HHK GTS Holden V8 Small BlockNoN/A254.7 kW
341.6 HP
44. Adam Rath's YHI08WAdam RathYHI08WNissan Silvia S15 4NoTurbo249.8 kW
335 HP
45. Richard Whitby's RW2103Richard WhitbyRW2103Ford Capri V8 Small BlockNoN/A249.6 kW
334.7 HP
46. Ken Logue's HT8GTSKen LogueHT8GTS1969 HT Monaro V8 Small BlockNoN/A242.7 kW
325.4 HP
47. Grant Burton's 23737HGrant Burton23737HChev Camaro SS V8 Small BlockNoN/A239.4 kW
321 HP
48. David Batho's VenomDavid BathoVenomFord XC Cobra 66 V8 Small BlockNoN/A223.7 kW
300 HP
49. daryl Elliot's TORRIEdaryl ElliotTORRIEHolden Torana V8 Small BlockNoN/A221.7 kW
297.3 HP
50. D Jones's BTS3SFD JonesBTS3SFJensen Interceptor V8 Big BlockNoN/A217.6 kW
291.8 HP
51. Tony Dimitrious's HLK340Tony DimitriousHLK340Valiant S Series V8 Small BlockNoN/A206.9 kW
277.5 HP
52. Andrew Portelli's NUG11TAndrew PortelliNUG11TNissan Silvia S15 4NoTurbo206.6 kW
277 HP
53. David Combridge's 06438-HDavid Combridge06438-HFalcon XY Ford V8 Small BlockNoN/A202.5 kW
271.5 HP
54. Kris Hodges's USA64MKris HodgesUSA64MFord Mustang Coupe V8 Small BlockNoN/A201.7 kW
270.5 HP
55. Chris O'Brien's SHG400Chris O'BrienSHG400Holden Bougham V8 Small BlockNoN/A198.5 kW
266.2 HP
56. Daniel Iglewski's NA06XRDaniel IglewskiNA06XRFalcon XR6 MKII Straight 6NoN/A180.5 kW
242 HP
57. Paul Cibotto's DETMSOPaul CibottoDETMSODe Tomaso Pantera V8 Small BlockNoN/A178.6 kW
239.5 HP
58. Trevor Stark's TOYLJTrevor StarkTOYLJLJ holden V8 Small BlockNoN/A174.5 kW
234 HP
59. Dwyne Francis's AXR604Dwyne FrancisAXR604Ford BA XR6 Straight 6NoN/A161.4 kW
216.4 HP
60. Brandon Stokes's DINOSRBrandon StokesDINOSRPlymouth Cuda V8 Big BlockNoN/A143.4 kW
192.3 HP
61. Elliot Burley's AIK60XElliot BurleyAIK60XHolden VH Commodore V8 Small BlockNoN/A142.5 kW
191.1 HP
62. Shane Thornthwaite's THE057Shane ThornthwaiteTHE0571957 Chev 150 V8 Small BlockNoN/A140.8 kW
188.8 HP
63. David Sleeb's BV41RCDavid SleebBV41RCMazda 808 RotaryNoN/A140 kW
187.7 HP
64. Peter Kowalczvk's SS454Peter KowalczvkSS454Chev Camaro V8 Big BlockNoN/A135.2 kW
181.3 HP
65. Hayden Dorling's XCALIBURHayden DorlingXCALIBURHolden Commodore V6NoN/A135.2 kW
181.3 HP
66. Andre Agazzi's DELISHAndre AgazziDELISHHolden VS Commodore V8 Small BlockNoN/A122.4 kW
164.2 HP
67. Daniel Rudd's 72-TORYDaniel Rudd72-TORYLJ Holden Torana Straight 6NoN/A90.7 kW
121.6 HP
68. Angelo Dafillis's 698DMCAngelo Dafillis698DMCDelorean DMC-12 V6NoN/A81 kW
108.6 HP
69. Martin McRae's ANC30KMartin McRaeANC30KMeyers Manx 4NoN/A66.6 kW
89.3 HP
70. Tim Shoard's 2LEGGATim Shoard2LEGGAEsky 70-500 ccNoN/A8.8 kW
11.8 HP
71. Shannons Insurance's GOGO59Shannons InsuranceGOGO59GOGGOmobil 70-500 ccNoN/A2.8 kW
3.7 HP

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